The first 5 years of a child’s life are crucial!
We believe all families in Louisiana regardless of race, socio-economic status, or linguistic diversity should have access to affordable, equitable, and high quality early learning options.
Our mission
We exist to assist families, educators and communities in strengthening the foundation on which children can succeed.

TrainingGrounds in 100 Words
Once upon a time, these TWO WOMEN were delivering a community-based literacy program in NEW ORLEANS to parents of young children. Parents knew literacy was important, but they had so many questions about CHILD DEVELOPMENT, BEHAVIOR, and PARENTING. It was at that moment that these two women realized that ALL parents and caregivers need SUPPORT during those first five years. They need a trusted COMMUNITY RESOURCE where they can come together through PLAY and ASK questions, strengthen parenting practices, and create their VILLAGE.
Christine Neely
Co-founder/COO/Program Director
Christine has been in the field of Education for over 20 years and has always worked to improve standards and provide resources to families and students.
Melanie Richardson
Co-founder/Executive Director/Director of Parent Learning
Melanie is a native New Orleanian who has been working in the fields of mental health and education for over 20 years.
Our Staff
Our Board

We envision communities…
WHERE sustainable, effective, child-centered early learning experiences engage parents and families with young children in ways that lead to healthy social development and educational success from birth to adulthood.