We COACH > Bonding & Brain Building

Bonding & Brain Building

A fun 5 week interactive program for you and your child ages birth to 2.

Build your child's brain!

This program uses play as the medium to foster children’s development of social emotional and cognitive skills, help caregivers understand the important role they play in their child’s development, and strengthen family bonds between the child and caregiver, thus boosting parents confidence in being their child’s first teacher.

Toddler Sessions: Mondays from 9:00am-10:00am

Infant Sessions: Mondays from 11:00am-12:00pm

Why participate?

Enhance your child’s language development.

Improve your child’s cognitive development.

Develop your child’s positive social skills.

Strengthen the bond between you and your child

What do you get for participating?

  • A “Start Right” kit which includes: Weekly take home activities, tips sheets, books to read with your child and a set of development appropriate toys.

  • Five weeks of 60 minutes play experiences at the We PLAY Center lead by a Parenting Educator

  • CDC Developmental Milestone Tracker

  • Access to community resources and calendars

  • Access to Early intervention Screening of Children

  • Early registration for all Parent Learning Opportunities by TrainingGrounds

  • Automatic membership to the We PLAY Center

Not only will you gain knowledge, skills, and support when you participate, but your family will also receive these special perks.

“Every time we came, I felt like a better parent on the way out - more patient with my child and more patient with myself“

Program Qualifications

Child must be between the ages of birth to age two.

Caregivers are expected to participate in activities with their child daily.

Caregivers are strongly encouraged to attend a minimum of 4 in person sessions and one Parent Learning Opportunity.

Caregiver agrees to complete a survey at the end of the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Both! This is a hybrid program that offers a combination of a take home “start right” kit and access to virtual Parent Learning Opportunities. Every Monday Bonding and Brain Building Class meets to learn new activites and receive new supplies

    Toddlers Session Mondays 9:00am-10:00am

    Infants Session Mondays 11:00am-12:00pm

  • Everyday experiences help shape your baby’s brain—from your daily routines to the people your baby comes in contact with. This program will give you the tools to help learn how to engage with these everyday experiences.

  • The Bonding and Brain Building PLAY Guide provides many resources to increase positive attachment with your child. All of these activities are easy to do and promote bonding and increase social emotional and cognitive development. Setting aside time to play with your child helps forges bonds and strong foundations and is FUN. This one-on-one focused time communicates to a child that they matter to you.

    Each week you will receive:

    a storybook to read with a tip sheet from Mind in the Making, four “PLAYtime” ideas to do with the age appropriate toys in your kit, and three daily VROOM tips and Brainy Backgrounds.

  • New families are always welcome at the start of a new session, but everyone has to pre-register before the start of a new session. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

  • 0-24 months of age.

  • Yes! You are more than welcome to join us for multiple sessions, however you will only receive one Start Right Kit per family. All activities will be repeated but young children thrive on repetition.

  • Siblings are welcome to attend any virtual activity with your family. However, you will be expected to engage in activities with your 0-2 year old. All activities are geared toward this age group as well.

  • YES! You and your child are welcome and encouraged to visit the We PLAY Center whenever convenient.