We get it – kids don’t come with a manual.
Through our We PLAY Center for families, workshops for parents, and professional development training for early childhood educators, we’ll help you create positive connections so more young children in Louisiana can thrive.
Rich learning experiences
Positive adult-child interactions
Healthy brain development
90% of brain development takes place from birth through age 4.
Quality early care and education is severely underfunded and out of reach for most low-income, working families with children under age 4.
Louisiana spends less than half of 1% of state dollars on early care and education.
Only 40% of Louisiana children arrive at kindergarten meeting critical benchmarks.
We’ve created a low-cost, effective model to address these issues and support families.
Providing knowledge to move families and communities forward.
FREE child play for kids ages 0-3
Enjoy age-appropriate toys and activities while developing social-emotional skills in a safe play space.
Professional development training
Understand the why and the science of early childhood using a hands-on approach.
Free programming for parents & caregivers
Learn new skills and strategies you can use in play and your daily routines to support your child’s development.
Prenatal to age five family resource HUB
Access coordinated support, services, and education when your children most need them.
Quality early childhood experiences matter a TON!
Nurturing care
This is what a child’s brain expects and depends upon for healthy development.
Intelligence & social skills
These are essential for success and are developed at an early age.
Investing early
The greatest returns in human capital in a child are produced before age 4.
Disparities in children are apparent as early as nine months of age.
The first 5 years of a child’s life are critical to their lifelong success. 90% of brain development takes place from birth through age 4 through:
Touch, talk, sight, and PLAY
Loving relationships with warm, responsive, dependable adults
Positive early childhood experiences
But by the time some children enter preschool, the gaps in academic, language, and social & emotional skills are deeply entrenched.
Studies show these disparities are associated with maternal health, parenting practices, child health and nutrition, and early childhood learning opportunities.
Here at TrainingGrounds, we’ve created a low-cost, effective model to comprehensively address these issues and support families by positively impacting the cognitive, physical, and social development of children during their first five years of life.